Brian Whatcott wrote:
On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 01:43:07 GMT, "Glen \"Wiley\" Wilson"
A customer in Singapore had me update my software to handle this
barograph's NMEA output:
Thanks very much! The old Vetus one was my favourite, but very costly
(~$1000). Unlike the other poster, I found the price to be EURO 295.
Where did you see the price in DM?
I don't like the cheaper barographs (Oregon Scientific/Weems & Plath)
that use 5 or 6 vertical bars to show pressure because they use a
non-linear X axis; something like 1,3,6,12,24 hours. You can see a
trend but it's much tougher to interpret, especially when you're tired
at 3 am. These look just the ticket.
Evan Gatehouse