I have no problem with on topic
PR cut and pastes, Dan made the observation
that Gould's piece sounded " a bit too commercial". I pointed out the
obvious, that it is a commercial cut and paste
PR piece.
"Gene Kearns" wrote in message
On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 13:13:22 -0500, "Dr. Jonathan Smithers, MD Phd."
Gould is commercial. His boat reviews read like PR pieces sent out by the
builders, he is now cut and pasting PR pieces sent out by retailers.
I appreciate the ON topic information, since it is about a 45 minute
trip into Myrtle Beach Or Wilmington to pick one up. A few weeks
after they are first published, they get a little difficult to obtain.
I'd rather read commercial boat reviews than all of the off topic
Grady-White Gulfstream, out of Southport, NC.
Homepage* at Lee Yeaton's Bayguide