Don White wrote:
The point was...the lace hanky crowd wouldn't go out to race in a 23 mph
breeze. Maybe they knew they couldn't win in a stiff breeze?
Nah, they were afraid of breaking the boats. It's still the same in a
lot of cases... one club I used to race with always cancelled races if
it blew more than 15 or so. In the last America's Cup the challenger's
series had it written into the race instructions that they would not
hold races in sustained winds over 18 knots or gusts over 22... but that
was so the challengers wouldn't have expensive breakdowns. In the actual
America's Cup match there was no such rule, and they did actually sail a
couple of races in a good blow... and broke stuff!
Bluenose's captain was Angus Walters.
Thanks for the correction. Isn't the captain of Bluenose 2 his son?
Fresh Breezes- Doug King