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JimH wrote:
Things have gotten out of hand with insults and petty arguments.

Yep, I am

Let's stop it....right now. No more insults. No more personal

Let's keep discussions civil and at an adult level.

Sign on if you will abide...if not, you are on your own.


I am in. ;-)

Nice sentiment, JimH.
Actions speak louder than words.
I doubt that you will see much change in the character of the NG as
long as people continue to post primarily OT and political threads.

I say that because we are all victims in this country right now. Left
and right. We have been conditioned to respond to opinions and
behaviors that are different than the "correct" ideas our particular
guru's champion, (whether Michael Moore, Rush Limbaugh, or somebody in
between), with acrimony and bile. The "man" can do about what he wants
when we're all so busy hating the "wrong" political party that we don't
pay any attention to what our government is doing. Or, when one group
or the other feels a patriotic compulsion to blindly defend
anything done by one politician or another.

In summary, I believe that if this group were capable of discussing
ideas in a civil and adult manner...(or even if it simply preferred to
do so)...we would see a much different group than the one you hope to
fix with your "resolution."

Good luck with this. I won't seek you or your close confederates out
for confrontation, but neither will I be sucked into a "deal" that will
come back to bite me in six weeks. History would suggest that
somebody will post "Gould is a no good, mf'ing, low life liberal
communist butt ranger......" and if I made any sort of response it
would be greeted with, "On March 4, 2005, Gould *promised*........"
and I have time for games like that or the children who play them.