The anchors, cleats, winches and numerous other fittings known as
"Herreshoff" were designed by Captain Nat Herreshoff, largely in the
1890's. In his 1953 book "Cap Nat Herreshoff," L. Francis Herreshoff
wrote: "... there is hardly a thing on a yacht today that Captain Nat
did not originate, improve, or perfect, and, while it is true that
many of his fittings were not understood or appreciated for many
years, still at the present time about the only useful fittings on the
market are imitations of his original models. The fittings alone that
he designed would have been a credible lifetime work for a designer."
Its interesting that Cap Nat started his career as a draftsman of
steam engines.
Capt. NealŪ wrote:
The idiot Douglas King wrote:
Crap'n NealŪ wrote:
The correct way to spell Herreschoff is the way I spell it and not
the way you imagined it was spelled.
Really? Better tell these folks... they've been getting it wrong for years.
You're welcome.
Doug King
Bwaaahahahhahahhahahhahahahhhhahahhahhahhahahahhah ahah!
Sir Frances Herreschoff has the anchor named after him.
Halsey Herreshoff et al were naval architects who never had an
anchor named after them.
If you are a man you will apologize for your insolence.
CN (not holding his breath)