John Fereira wrote:
"Tinkerntom" wrote in
John Fereira wrote:
"Grip" wrote in
It's the same in all news groups I've visited. I read what I
wish to
read and ignore the rest. Very simple
Sure, it's simple to delete posts that you're not going to read
why should we? This is a newsgroup about paddling. There are
newsgroups in which political discussion, and even flaming is on
topic. Those that want to read that kind of article can go to
groups. That's the whole point of creating topically based groups.
I've been reading this group for about 7 years and this is the
case of off-topic article posting I've ever seen. I've been
participating on usenet for 20 years and the number of off-topic
article to on topic articles is just about the highest ratio I've
as well. Those that continue to post the off topic articles are
flat out rude.
"Bob P" wrote in message
If you wish to debate endlessly, could you find a more
newsgroup? If your conversation consisted of 20 posts, it
would be
within reason for an OT series, but these have gone on for more
than 1000. Find yourselves a better home. Please.
I have been camping for 40 years, and sat around many campfires,
many strange topics have been discussed. Sometimes they even talked
about the days fishing or hiking, biking or skiing. If the topic
not of my interest, I could always grab another adult beverage, set
back, and contemplate the sparks rising over the campfire. Usually
chatter would lull me into a luxurious state of
which convinced me that a hard day of exercise followed by the
campfire, is better than any day at WORK!
If the above did not occur, I could always retire to my tent and
the darkness embrace me in slumber. I usually did not last long
listening from my tent.
If the OT chatter, disturbs your sleep, I apologize! I find this is
some of the best part of the day, and talking to fellow paddlers,
OT, is very stimulating. So maybe, next time you should pitch your
tent a little further from the campfire IMHO! TnT
If that's the analogy you want to use I'll play along. Your analogy
exactly represent what's going on. In this case a group of camper
pitched their tents around a campfire and have settled into a choice
they like. Then several others decide to pitch their tents in the
same spot
and proceed to cause a ruckus. When the original campers complain
about the
ruckus the new campers have the gall to tell the original campers if
don't want to listen that they should move their tents elsewhere.
Your analysis is faulted in that though you have been camping here and
setting up your tent on certain choice sites over the last few years,
you do not own the site. It is a general public camping area. so if you
pitch your tent, and someone new comes along, and pitches their tent
next to yours, and you find you don't like your neighbors! Your site is
no longer choice, and you are free to move. You are not free to take
out your shotgun and explain that the others should leave.
Now in the analogy, there is a campfire, and there most likely are many
different campfires going in the general area that is used for camping.
If you don't like the conversation, at a particular fire ring, you are
free to browse around until you find one that is to your liking.
If the converstion at the ring near your tent, is not to your liking,
again your site is no longer your choice site, you are free to move.
And someone else may find it very choice. It is not the site that has
changed, just your choice!
Now if someone is actually causing a ruckus, you can definitely go and
talk to them and try to get them to settle down. But you are not the
Sherrif! Most folks though, if approached in a civil fashion,
non-threatening, and respectfully, are more than willing to listen and
try to modify their behavior. We are all here to have a good time, so
if you are really troubled, feel free to talk to the offending parties.
It certainly does not help to make a big scene yourself, adding to the
ruckus, and further polarizing the various parties. Especially calling
them names, or sounding like you are whining may do nothing more than
entrench them in their behavior.
Infact, you might find you would accomplish more by inviting them over
to your favorite campfire and offering them an adult beverage, and
including them instead of just hanging with all your good old buddies,
and looking at them as the "invaders". That way they get vested as well
in the general peace and order of the camp, and everyone is happier. Of
course you might find that it is not good to start to many off topic
discussions, because you don't know how this will inspire and stimulate
their reaction. Though you may have been able to discuss these topics
with your good old buddies, having know them for a long time, times are
However if it is just what they are saying that bothers your tender
sensitivities, then just ignore them, and if that is not possible, get
out your earplugs. Being thinskinned about what they are saying, also
proves nothing, except that you are thinskinned.
If you have infact been around for awhile, you probably already know
all this stuff, so I am sure I am not saying anything profound to you.
Though I realize that when it is your choice site that is being
disturbed, it is disturbing! TnT