"Scout" wrote in message
which is only 6 months each year
Which happens to be one month longer than our winter season, November to
John Cairns
"katysails" wrote in message
Of course, turn-abouts fair play when hurricane season descends on you...
"Capt. NealŪ" wrote in message
I've noticed the angst. I enjoy prodding it along to make
all the northern ******s suffer. Now that they have been
reduced to simple, childish, name-calling, it makes my day
and my point that real sailors don't live up north.
I think Joe enjoys seeing them suffer as well as he sure
likes to egg them on . . . Such luxuries as we real southern
sailors enjoy are priceless.
"Maxprop" wrote in message
Judging from the perpetuation of mindless, worthless, senseless threads
in ASA, it would appear that old man winter has done his damage to this
body of northern sailors. Spring isn't far away, to be sure, but cabin
fever generally exacts its greatest toll just before the weather
Buck up, mates, for better times aren't far off.
(Those living in the southern hemisphere or subtropics may disregard
the preceding.)