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"riverman" wrote in message

Heh heh heh, you're stepping in a minefield here, buddy.

"I can dance, I can dance, I can dance, I can dance.........."

Those of us who are diehard openboaters will be quick to challenge that
there are any 'compromises enforced by inherent limitations' of canoes.
They do what they do...its not a compromise. And they do a lot more than
it seems. An openboater who is comfortable with their boat can paddle all
day on a lake without getting tired, or having the boat go in s-curves
while they are paddling straight,

Compromise isn't an attribute of inanimate objects. You're right, canoes do
what they do. It's ME that has to compromise. I can sit in the middle of a
canoe, with all the advantages of maneuverability that this position
provides......and be uncomfortable in the process. Or, I can sit in the
stern where I am more comfortable and still have all the maneuverability
that I've ever needed. I'm willing to sacrifice the extra (and, for me,
unneeded) maneuverability. I find this to be an eminently reasonable

and would consider sitting down as low as a kayak getting dripped on all
day by that top blade as a compromise.

And that's o.k. For me, on the other hand, this is not a compromise.

Its an endless debate with no solution,

It's only a debate for those who choose to participate in a debate. For
myself, I remain uncompromising in allowing every individaul to choose his
or her own path to long as they don't drag anyone unwilling
parties with them.

but I would mention that your leanings in the above post, as well as in
some others, tells me that you are lost to the dark side.

It's fun. Buy now, pay later.*

Too might have made a good open boater....

Been there. Used to do some racing back in the day. And remember, I DO
still own an open boat.

*um.....dorian gray.......if memory serves.