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Bruce in Alaska
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In article 5UpYd.61628$7z6.35203@lakeread04,
"Jack Painter" wrote:

Also, a U.S. vessel that plans to dock (or communicate) at a non-US port of
call, must have a restricted radiotelephone operators license. This good for
life (of the vessel you own and operate) and also does not involve any exam.
The license covers vhf, hf, gmdss and radars with no description of
equipments required. It will include applying for an MMSI to be used

Again, jackie is extending information that he doesn't understand.......

HEY JACK, How about you "GET A CLUE before you confuse folks with your
uninformed information.

First: A Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit is for a PERSON
not a vessel. It is an "OPERATORs" and a vessel can't be
an operator.

Second: A US Flagged vessel, if it is to operate outside US Territorial
Waters, AND communicate with non-US Coast Stations, must have
a valid Ship Radio Station License issued by the FCC.

Third: If, and only if, the vessel has fitted, only VHF Radios and,
or, a Marine S or Xband Radar, and does not communicated with
non-US Coast Stations, it MAY be covered by the Blanket License
issued by the FCC, which covers all such vessels in perpituity,
and does not require any action on the owners, or operators
parts as far as licensing is concerened.

Fourth: If, and only if, the vessel is operating under the Blanket
License, an Operator Permit is NOT Required to operate the
fitted equipment.

Fifth: If, and only if, the vessel is operating under the Blanket
License, the owner/operator MAY request a MMSI from the
dually appointed Voluntary MMSI Registrant, and that MMSI
will be recorded against the Documentation Number (either
US or State) of the Vessel.

Sixth: When a vessel is issued a Ship Radio Station License the
FCC will issue a MMSI along with the Callsign, which is
recorded against the Documentation Number (either
US or State) of the Vessel.

Now that we got that straight....... Carry on.......

Bruce in alaska who wishes that USCG would refrain from distributing
uninformed information.......
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