On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 14:14:04 -0500, "Jack Painter"
"Bruce in Alaska" slid off his stool and shouted:
"Jack Painter" wrote:
Also, a U.S. vessel that plans to dock (or communicate) at a non-US port
call, must have a restricted radiotelephone operators license. This good
life (of the vessel you own and operate) and also does not involve any
The license covers vhf, hf, gmdss and radars with no description of
equipments required. It will include applying for an MMSI to be used
Again, jackie is extending information that he doesn't understand.......
HEY JACK, How about you "GET A CLUE before you confuse folks with your
uninformed information.
First: A Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit is for a PERSON
not a vessel. It is an "OPERATORs" and a vessel can't be
an operator.
I know that Bruce. I mentioned the "vessel" because it is for the owner of A
VESSEL, and cannot be transferred or used when the licensee goes to another
vessel. So it is "for life" only if it remains ON THAT VESSEL. Please grow
up or go back to your barstool.
Um....I don't think this is right.
The Operator's permit is not restricted to any vessel - it is a
personal license not a station license. My GROL license isn't
restricted to any vessel and it operates under the same rules as the
Just trying to understand.