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Short Wave Sportfishing
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On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 19:10:12 -0500, "JimH" wrote:

"Short Wave Sportfishing" wrote in message
.. .
On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 18:53:05 -0500, "JimH" wrote:

"Short Wave Sportfishing" wrote in message
On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 18:30:22 -0500, "JimH" wrote:

"Short Wave Sportfishing" wrote in message
On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 17:05:32 -0500, "JimH" wrote:

"Tania Tyler" wrote in message
Gee... and yee 'who has a real email address'... what is your point
exactly? And for your other email... this is Tania, not Paula. It's
wonderful store, been a boat owner/sailer for a very long time.

Tania, in case you did not know it is not polite to post spam of any
a newsgroup (NG) unless the NG is a buy/sell/trade NG . That is why
getting the push back.

I hope your friend's store is a great success but please do not
anymore here or other NG's.


Let's see if I understand the logic here.

Making a post to supporting a friend's store which sells
recycled merchandize that is probably of some interest to folks
involved in boating is bad.

Making a post calling Harry a boil sucking no talent liberal union
hack during off topic political discussions which have no inherent
value to anybody other than those who are on the side of the true
believers is ok.

Do you see the problems inherent in those two statements or am I
missing something important?

All the best,


Tom, look at it anyway you want but spam is spam. End of story.

No, spam is off topic crap that infests the newsgroup on a daily basis
to the tune of hundreds of posts weekly that have no relevance to
anything nautical or are even remotely interesting. And I am guilty
of that myself although not to the extent of some and my on topic
contributions in terms of number of posts certainly outweigh the off
topic contributions.

A post about a nautical consignment shop is not spam. It was
informative to me as a contributing member of this august body known

And while I'm on the subject, can you show me the charter or
FAQ that specifically states that posts relating to the sale of
nautical merchandize in an informative manner isn't allowed?

If not, then your complaint has no standing in fact. If so, then I
will admit error and move on.

So I can now advertise products or good sold by friends of mine if they
"nautically" related?

Check this out - might enlighten you. This was built on posts here on

Make of it what you will. My opinion stands - it was more appropriate
than most of the nonsense that is posted here.

By the way, I asked the question - the onus was strictly in your
provence to disprove.

Theoretical: My friend sells lighthouses. I can post this here?

What kind of lighthouses? Real ones? Actually, I'd like to find some
for my driveway and the new well head that was installed this winter.
Know of any?

Or maybe my friend sells boats....I can post this here?

Of course - you see it all the time - go see such and such, look here
for this or that - all kinds of posts - just this week in fact.

Perhaps my friend sells boat maintenance services....I can post this here?

That's happened here also. Didn't see any explosions of tortured
logic in those instances.

According to you....yes.

Interesting perspective Tom...but certainly not correct.

Once again - show me were I am wrong. Give me a precedent. Compare
the FAQ. Show me the charter.

You made the statement - I've given proof, solid proof, that this is
acceptable. If you can't back up what you've said, either by charter
or FAQ, then your view is invalid.

Peace, brotherhood, knockwurst and beer.


"Um.....can you repeat the part of the stuff
where you said all about the things?"

Homer Simpson - circa 2000