"JimH" wrote in message
"Jim," wrote in message
JimH wrote:
"Jim," wrote in message
Free Speech Impediment
By Rory O'Connor, AlterNet. March 10, 2005.
MediaCultu This Sunday's episode of ABC's Boston Legal focusing on
censorship was itself censored, purged of all references to Fox and Bill
O'Reilly. And nobody's talking.
Watch Boston Legal tomorrow -- 10:00 PM Eastern
Do you have a boat Jim or have you done any boating?
If so, how about telling us about it? That would be far more
interesting that posting the political opinions of others in a boating
The opinions I post reflect mine -- just that the writing is better.
As to my boats -- I suppose if you count whatever floats as a boat i have
7 at last count
1 (supposed 2 man) Coleman inflatable -- carried in my Irwin
1 4man sea eagle (also in Irwin, but soon to be sold)
1 4man Achilles
1 coleman 2 man riged dingy (in the rafters of my garage)(wanna buy it?)
1 17' Doral (vintage 196? I'm trying to restore
1 22' Crestliner
How about some boating stories? With 7 boats I am sure you will not have to
rely on others to tell a story for you. ;-)
Where do you boat? What type of boating do you do? How is the restoration
on the Doral going?
How long have you been boating?