Andrew Butchart wrote:
I've come into possession of a quantity of lead wheel weights - about 70lbs
worth. I'd like to turn them into 10lb weights with an eyebolt on the top.
One minor issue is that the weights were stored in an old grease pail and so
are quite greasy.
Don't want to break your bubble, but for 70 lbs, it simply is not worth
the work and set up cost.
No, your BBQ won't work.
You need a melting pot, a large burner, (I used 2, 500,000 BTU propane
burners), a dipping ladle and metal molds.
(You need to keep lead above about 700F, just to be able to work with it.)
Even a good scavanger will have about $100 USD invested before getting
The above based on collecting and melting enough lead to pour a 20,000
lb ballast.