The only thing clinto has going for him is that he proved
that carter was not our worst pres.
"Calif Bill" wrote in message
"John H" wrote in message
On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 17:50:44 -0500, thunder
On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 20:28:41 +0000, Calif Bill wrote:
Whatever President Bill's shortcomings, he is damned
well-informed, and articulate. On the other hand,
Dubya keeps his
zipped. So far as we know.
Neither makes for a great President.
I thought "Slick Willie" was a rather apt name for
Clinton, but during
Presidency, I developed a grudging respect for his
competence. What
surprises me, is that some hold such a deep hatred for
the man. After
all, his time was relatively uneventful and prosperous.
Now, I will
to an anti-Bush bias, predominately because of Iraq, but
what astounds
is that some are calling Bush one of our greatest
Presidents. I just
don't understand it.
Personally, I don't think there is all that hatred of
Clinton. He wasn't
bad. I
think what you see a lot are comparisons to Clinton when
someone starts
the knife in Bush's back. Very often a comparison to
Clinton is
simply because he did the same thing or something close to
As to Bush being one of our greatest Presidents, and your
inability to
understand it, accept it on faith.
John H
"All decisions are the result of binary thinking."
I will not go along with one of the greatest. He may go
down as a good one.
Great would be cutting back on a lot of the Pork, getting
Feds out of most
of the Dept. of Education crap and letting the states have
their one money
to educate the children. Give guidelines or certain
milestones on
requirements, but not controlling the complete curriculum
via the purse
strings. Spend the money on the interstate highway system
as needed, and
cut the funds to the arts and entertainment. Is not the
Governments job to support the A&E! Add what you think
should be cut. As
to the Defense budget, I think it is still only about 20% of
the total