Eastbay 43
How was the topside fairness/fiberglass finish on the boat you tested?
Without notable defect. IOW, very much what one would have a right to expect on
$600k boat.
I saw the boat a few weeks ago when it was being initially commissioned. It was
hauled up a marine railway into a shed. The boat was still a little dirty from
shipping, etc, but I got a chance to see below the waterline as well as above.
This particular boat has nothing to apologize about as far as any visible
incosistencies in layup, fairing, etc.
I certainly accept your report that you had seen some boats that weren't up to
the traditional GB standard, but this specific boat would not fall into that
I can send you some photos, if you'd like, of decks, cabintops, and other
surfaces where edgy finish might be easily spotted.
I did not find any blemishes.