Usage of motoroil
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Usage of motoroil
(Steven Shelikoff) wrote in message
Whatever, Shecoughed. You don't know crap, and never will. I given
Shecoughed? That's something a little schoolgirl would do.
Resorting to name calling....YOU taught me that.
several examples backing my opinion. When given them, and the heat
gets turned up, you resort to name calling, acting like a little
You haven't given a single example backing up your opinion. The only
real cite you gave goes against your opinion. And for the examples of
other ways an engine looses oil, (exhaust valve and exhaust valve stem)
Toyota specifically says oil lost that way is burned.
school girl. I'm sorry that you don't have the mental capacity to
learn anything except what is already locked in your little brain.
See? YOU have just calling is something a little school
girl would do.
You don't seem to even have anything locked in your little brain. Not
only can't you understand simple english statements but you're also
stupid enough to bring your 8 yo daughter in to defend you.
Okay, one time, asshole. I don't need ANYBODY to "defend" me against
the likes of a little piece of **** like you. You are a worthless
piece of crap, and will NEVER be a man. Go ahead, you little poor
excuse of a man, give me a reason, I'd snap your little pencil neck
like a twig. Got it? Now, do you want to see if I need someone to
defend me? Come on, please do, you nasty little prick. Threaten me or
my family, we'll see. Now, go see if you can screw some woman out of
her child support.
Once again, you've shown you don't have the insight to learn anything
new. good day.
Thanks for admitting you don't know squat, were wrong when you said a
normal engine should burn no oil, and that you're not a very good
engineer if you can't figure out that simple problem. Good day to you
to, and sleep well knowing that everyone thinks you're a moron.
Yeah, sure. You spin as good as Rush. You don't have the mental
capacity to learn anything, yet you somehow think it's because of me??
I'm a damned good engineer. I have MUCH more work than I can possibly
handle, and turn down work every day, ALL from previous clients. I
NEVER hunt for new clients or work.
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