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Dennis Pogson
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Meindert Sprang wrote:
Hej Flemming,

Could one of our NMEA multiplexers be of any use? We have a version
that translates Seatalk into NMEA and broadcasts the NMEA data over
Bluetooth to a PDA running standard navigation software.
Take a look at and select MiniPlex-41BT or
MiniPlex-42BT from the Products page.


"Flemming Torp" fletop(kanelbolle)2rp.d(anmar)k wrote in message
. ..
Hello Bruce,

Tried to use your mailing address - no success ... sorry!

In the newsgroup - 12-02-2005, I read with
great interest about your set up in your boat ... It is a
solution, I'm very much after.

Just recently, I bought a 'new' sailboat - 15 years old...
It is equipped with rather new Raymarine instruments - ST60
series - 230 VHF, RC 530 Chart Plotter, and 4000 tiller
Autopilot - all elements are connected in a SeaTalk net ...
The instruments are visible from the cockpit, but the VHF
and the chartplotter, are mounted ind the cabin. As I do not
want to make physical changes to this set up, and as I do
have a notebook and a PPC with a GPS (a little RoyalTek RGM
2000-thing), I'm looking for a cheap solution to my
'cockpit-chartplotter-problem' ...

I find the prices of the Raymarine hsb2 interface plus their
RNS navigations software far too stiff for my budget, and as
I already do have some sea maps from Maptech and some nordic
electronic maps = versions, that are not compatible with
anything else in the world - (called 'the living seamap' =
DLSK - but they cover all of Denmark, Southern and Western
Sweden and Southern part of Norway) ... I'm pretty eager to
use, what I have ...

I have - therefore and for the time being - reduced my level
of ambition from a totally 'Raymarine' integrated system
based on C-Map charts and RNS 5.0 - to a more modest level:
Run my notebook with the maps/applications I have (Navigator
Lite from Maptech and DLSK) - 'hook up' a USB-GPS to the PC,
and somehow 'connect' the PPC to my notebook PC (Win XP) so
I can keep my notebook 'down under' but with access from/or
'controlled by' my PPC.

I don't have bluetooth, so I will have to accept cables - or
what? ... at least in the first implementation I'm afraid

As I'm not at all competent within this field of 'system
integration', I would very much appreciate, if you would
accept to give me a little more detailed information about
how I should go about, if I want to implement the solution,
you have outlined in your 'letter' to the newsgroup.

I do not intend to integrate the system with the RayMarine
system. So my problem is 'only' to establish a
'cockpit-chartplotter-function' i.e. the right connection
between the notebook PC and the PPC running windows ...
Microsoft Pocket PC vers. 3.0.11171.

As I'm very 'intrigued' by the wireless solution, I'm
curious as to what it takes to implement that set up in my
case ... I have been at the vnc homepage, which I find very
interesting, but hard to understand ... my age and my weak
background within this field - unfortunately ... If you will
help me, I will be happy - thank you!

Being a Dane, I have problems finding the correct words
etc., but I do hope my mail is understandable.

Best regards

Flemming Torp
'Even the worst day sailing is better than the best day working'

It would seem that our friend wishes to control a notebook and it's software
located in the cabin from a PDA located in the cockpit. If I am correct in
this assumption, I would have thought this to be impossible, since the
notebook's functions cannot be replicated in the PDA, can they?

Laplink allows you to control one PC from another (remote) PC, but that is
because they are both PC's and have the same architecture.

I stand corrected if this is not the case!

Satellite photocharts of the UK & Ireland
available, excellent detail and accurate
calibration using Oziexplorer.
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