"sfcarioca" wrote:
- I'm also thinking of getting an engine/hull survey, is it worth the
money for a boat this new?
Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
If you don't, you could get really burned.
Well, you can still really get burned, but it reduces the odds. Unless
you're buying a boat that costs so little money that you wouldn't mind
throwing it away, you should get a survey. Plus, insurance may demand
one anyway, so get one before you buy.
DEfinitely be present for the survey... don't get in the surveyor's way,
or waste his time with idle chatter, but the surveyor is one of the best
sources of info you'll ever be able to tap about the boat, it's systems,
it's performance characteristics, existing or potential problems, etc
etc. Worth paying for and worth paying attention!
Fair Skies
Doug King