That was a very convincing report "Goofball" - thank you!
We all have different background, priorities, and requirements
regarding our hobby, so many peoble make different decisions, and
I find it most interesting to understand the background for the
many different solutions. The way you are using your PPC is
exactly the way I have been thinking about - a kind of 'just in
case' help ... easy to get rid of - and easy to make a check ...
And you are talking 2-5 miles (NM I guess?) ... When I make 8
knots, thats about a kind og maximum average, which will give me
a respit of - let's say - not very much less than a quarter of an
hour ... that sounds reasonable ...
What I understand, Maptech has a program dedicated to the PPC. I
had a look at their website:
Maptech Mobile - Featuring Outdoor Navigator
Mobility is a sign of the times. More and more boaters demand
detailed charts for handheld devices like Pocket PCs, Palms and
now Smartphones. With access to more than 60,000 topographic maps
and nautical charts, Outdoor Navigator is not only fun to use, it's
a safer way to explore the outdoors.
a.. Navigate with confidence and enjoy the experience,
even when traveling at top speeds.
b.. Only Maptech lets you download the most detailed and
up-to-date boating charts as often as you want.
c.. Explore new and unfamiliar spots without the fear of
running aground.
d.. Avoid charted hazards while staying steadily
e.. Never be lost in darkness or fog.
f.. Outdoor Navigator gives you the advantages of bigger,
more expensive navigation systems in a size that fits your boat
and your budget.
g.. Use it on your dinghy or as a backup on a large boat.
h.. Phone in your exact coordinates if you meet someone
in distress.
i.. All for under $20!
see f.ex.
(I hope the link is not too long ...
All for under $20 ... that's a risk one could accept ...
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me (and other in the
group) and good luck with your future project - sounds very
interesting - may be you will be kind enough to come back to the
group and share your 'real life experiences' with your new set
Flemming Torp
'Even the worst day sailing is better than the best day working'
"Goofball_star_dot_etal" skrev i en
meddelelse ...
On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 00:25:06 +0100, "Flemming Torp"
fletop(kanelbolle)2rp.d(anmar)k wrote:
How nice to get an advice that is constructive, empathic and
written. You are suggesting a solution that is 'within reach' .
Do I understand you correctly when you are talking about USB,
that I can actually use the cable between the cradle in which
PPC is placed when running MS ActivSync to the PC?
Yes I just tried it exactly that way for the first time just
posting. I use an IPAQ 4150 which has wifi and bluetooth. I use
bluetooth GPS with it in the car and boat. I use VNC to control
equipment remotely, from bed even!
Some of my sons will be 'home' during the Easter Holidays - and
do hope they will be able to help me out here. Thank you for
your: "don't give up" and your specific hint!
As to the practical experience: How is it working on the boat?
I used the PPC for the first and only time last year on a trip
Ireland. I don't need it round here. At that time I cut up an
Imray chart into A4 pieces scanned them into Oziexplorer and
the paper afterwards. The PPC does not give a very good look
say 2 or 5 miles on a detailed chart but the laminated paper
can stay
in the cockpit too for a wider view. We ran down from Howth to
in a northerly F7 inside the banks and I was very glad to stay
out in
the open with the PPC in a sleeve just ticking off the bouys as
the screen large enough - bright enough - do you get useful
from this little screen or is it more or less useless.
It is transreflective so the sun helps if you get the angle
right. It
is a bit too bright on the lowest setting in the dark.
In my
opinion - even the 7" chartplotters are somewhat difficult to
... zoom in/zoom out ... I'm not convinced this is the way to
(the 'PPC-way'), but I'm interested in learning from other
sailors experience - what's what we call a search/learning
proces. To be honest I'm still pretty happy with the paper
and a compass, and GPS ...
The low power consumption is a big plus compared to a PC. I
would not
buy a chart plotter which ties you to charts that get
Next trip I am going to use the PPC with the Maptech charts I
bought.and the Memory Map PPC product. The latest BSB charts
with Oziexplorer but not (as yet, as far as I know) with the
version. In a few weeks I am going to take my tablet PC
(which is great for a boat except that you cannot see the
screen in
the sun) to S Ireland and try out VNC. I will find out the bugs
The 'digital pen' will work through 5mm or more of glass so the
could be worked through a window or watertight box provided
that it is
nightime! -No wires except for charging or prologed use. There
is a
Toughbook wireless monitor but it is low-ish resolution and
more than the tablet but at least it is transreflective, I
But with four boys pushing for evolution and eager to play with
new tecnologies, I try - somewhat reluctantly - to move into
new 'world' of IT and electronics ... with yours and other
fellows help - thank you.
Cheers! I found out about VNC for PPC here so I am returning
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