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You don't necessarily need a hub. You can also network the Pocket PC to
the laptop with 802.11 directly by creating an "ad-hoc" network.

I'd recommend my company's marine wireless navigation server ( ) but we don't currently ship to the uk
and it's probably more money than you want to spend anyhow.

It sounds like a fun project but I think you'll find the remote
desktop/vnc approach unsuitable for regular navigation. I think you'll
want real pocket pc navigation software in the end (like the Capn or
Oziexplorer offers) if you go the Pocket PC route. Then I think you'll
get tired of the PocketPC and you'll want a real chart plotter or
waterproof laptop in the cockpit.



Your question is definetly a networking issue, compatible devices and
software configuration. This is independent of what you running on

pc. Get the PPC networked to your Pc using a wireless network hub,

get VNC configured properly. All else is irrelevant.

If this doesn't help, try other newsgroups geared to Pocket PCs and
networking, VNCs.

Good luck.
Luis Castro

By the Way, all the below is a network connection, but not of the

that will sustain VNC. So your barking up the wrong tree. Get your

and PC wireless networked, and run VNC to the IP address you give


Chart plotting on a small screen, may be very cumbersome, beside

Flemming Torp (kanelbolle anmar) wrote:
"Dennis Pogson" skrev i en
meddelelse ...
Flemming Torp wrote:
Thank you for your input. All I know, is that there is a cable
connection between the socket of my PPC and into a USB port in
notebook. The program is called Microsoft ActiveSync, and I
'see' the memory of the PPC from explorer on the notebook,
the PPC is in the craddle ... And via this connection I can
data back and forth. F.ex. synchronize Outlook, download maps
from PC to PPC.

I carried out an experiment last night. Set up my laptop and
moved the
wireless mouse away to the far end of the room. I was able to
control the
mouse on-screen from 20 feet away. Set up a remote TFT display
at this
distance and was able to work the laptop from at least 20 feet

Now, if the remote screen could be made portable and

My wife has an old (you know, a couple of years) 15" TFT for
office use only.
As I'm looking for a 'nice to know-solution' (not to say
'quick&dirty'), and the screen needs a power cable anyway, so I'm
not that concerned about the cable to the PC ... So may be, she
really needs a new 17" TFT monitor? I will ask her ...

What about setting it up behind a perspex window in the cockpit
Not impossible, and certainly a cheap solution. All modern
TFT's are
equipped for wall mounting, which makes it easy to set up.

A 19" TFT costing UK=A3225 is available, and could be seen from
anywhere in
the cockpit provided there was enough space in the bulkhead to
mount it.
Only trouble is, these things consume power like there is no

And also the contrast/light of the monitor could be a problem - I
will have to make an experiment ...
As my initial idea was to use my PPC, I think 15" will be OK.
Some kind of protection will be needed - and, I agree, the power
consumption is an issue.
I will give it a try with my wife's TFT, before I invest in
something new ...

Now, where did I put that


No Sir! This is just a 'nice to have' supplement to the 'real
navigation equipment down under' - no jigsaw will be needed in
this case ... If I won in the lottery, and would spend DKK
52.000,- for the RayMarine M 1500 monitor (one U$ equals 5,70
DKK) it might (just might!) deserve its own 'whole' in the
bulkhead ... but to be honest - its not on the top of my wish
list ...

Thank you for your constructive input!

Flemming Torp
'Even the worst day sailing is better than the best day working'