wrote in message
There is a simple answer to your question concerning boat
depereciation. The boat that sold for $100,000 ten years ago and still
brings $100,000 today does so not because the boat hasn't aged or worn
out, but because the same boat today now sells for $200,000 new. Used
boat prices are justified by comparing to the cost of purchasing the
same thing new, more like houses than cars. (Likely due to the fact
that unlike cars, boats aren't shot after 5-6 years of average use).
Unlike real estate, most boats won't actually appreciate but if the new
price goes up high enough, fast enough, an older boat often sells for
the same amount of pre-inflated dollars ten years or 20 years after the
fact than it did when new.
My Sandpiper 565 might be an example.
Brand new when production started in 1974 a basic model cost less than $2k
CDN.....last year of manufacture in 1992 ...little over $9k CDN. Used
models now normally sell for $ 4500-5500 CDN and I've seen some advertised
over $ 8k.