You are incorrect. The buyer can negotiate everything, even the brokers
commission fees. The seller is only interested in walking away with "X"
dollars. If the broker reducing his commission allows the seller to meet
his objectives and complete the sale, it is up for negotiation. The broker
may decide not to reduce his fee, but the buyer can still negotiate it.
Ever home I have purchased was the result of the broker taking 60% of his
normal commission rate. Since I was dealing directly with the listing
agent, the listing agent and broker both made more money than if they shared
the sale with another broker. When I presented my proposal, every brokers
initial response was NO. When they realized I was willing to walk away,
they were willing to reduce their commission and still come out ahead.
It was a win - win for everyone.
wrote in message
It was written:
Everything is negotiable. Everything. The boat's price, the brokers
commision, fees.
By the way: if the broker decides to negotiate the commission it will
be with the seller (who has to pay the commission) rather than the