I have Fugawi 3 and Fugawi ENC reader. The ability to download
*free* ENC encoded maps is a nice one to have. For that reason, I would
use Fugawi vs others.
I use another charting program made by Maptech, and find it infinetly
easier to use right out of the box. Fugawi needs to desperately get a
bit of user friendly people involved. That is it's main downfall.
Otherwise, it is a good chartplotter program, that stitches nearby
charts together seamlessly, both in horizontal chart to chart mode, and
in the vertical "scale" mode.
You can make your own sketch chart, calibrate it to the program and
other charts, and store it where it can be called up when needed with
the rest of the charts.
Incidently, the Governments collection of S57 vector charts are all
being updated to version 2 or 3 in some cases. Version 2 and above
carries every bit of information that a paper chart equivalent carries,
whereas version 1 has filtered some details out for simplicity sake-no
longer needed. They are all up dated to the latest Notices to Mariners
too..or that is what they say on the web site.
Larry DeMers
Richard Cassano wrote:
Can anyone give me some first hand comments on their experience using
Fugawi Marine navigation software. I have been a long time user of The Capn
and would like to take advantage of the S57 vector charts. I tried a Demo of
Figawi at home and found some of the functions less than intuitive, however,
it may be I am just stuck in a rut with what I have used for so long. Any
comments from experienced users would be much appreciated. I'm willing to
give it another try.
Thank you,