On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 12:11:10 -0500, Wayne.B
On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 13:28:18 -0500, HarryKrause
A couple of months ago, in the doldrums of winter, as it were, I got the
idea (which thankfully has passed) that I would like to devote a lot of
spare time to refinishing/rebuilding a classic 28' deep vee fishing
boat. I found five boats that met my specs, all in what I would call
"fair condition. The model is somewhat in demand, but it hasn't been
built in, what, about two decades.
Bertram 28 by any chance? We went through the same process with
Bertram 31s six years ago before finally settling on a Bertram 33
(because Mrs B like it better). The range of condition and prices for
old Bertram 31s is simply astounding. The 28 is better for cruising
with its bigger cabin space but the 31 is faster and has a larger
cockpit for fishing.
I looked at a couple of Bertram 31s last summer - I like them a lot.