Thread: Jetskier's
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Rural Knight
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Default Jetskier's

"noah" wrote in message
On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 22:54:20 GMT, "Rural Knight"

"noah" wrote in message
.. .
On Mon, 28 Jul 2003 10:57:33 -0400, "Ðon ßailey"

Maybe operator's licenses are in order, just like motorcycles.

We have a PWC license here in Connecticut.

It doesn't help.

RK- do the local authorities respond to complaints? Just curious.

I will say this, the policing is terrific at the mouth of the CT
and Thames Rivers - they really do a bang up job.

Unfortunately, the lakes and larger bodies of inland water along
with the upper parts of the Farmington and Connecticut, almost
never patrolled. If you complain, polite noises, but nothing ever

What happens around here (CT, MA, RI) is some idiot in a
PWC runs over a swimmer or runs into a boat, the next two
weeks there is a major enforcement push and it disappears
until the next idiot does something stupid.

In fact, the CT license structure came about as an over reaction
to an accident on the CT river about ten years or so ago - some
kid on a PWC ran broadside into a boat full of people, two of
whom were Assistants to the Majority Leader and voila - we
have the most complicated licensing process you can imagine.
Here's the kicker - you can go out, buy a boat/PWC and not have
to participate in any boater education for the first six months you
own the boat/PWC.

My kids own PWCs and I ride one occasionally just for yucks -
I'm not anti-PWC - they are kind of fun actually. It's just the
silly two tier license system and the fact that you can legally
ride one during the time in which you are the most dangerous with
out any kind of education or license - there is a flaw in there

