On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 13:47:23 -0500, Wayne.B
On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 17:20:46 GMT, Short Wave Sportfishing
This morning I shoveled six inches of snow out the Ranger and the Lake
is frozen over.
Temps in the high 70s here.
Florida sucks.
I'll probably go for a spin in the little boat after I knock off work about 4:30.
I hope your boat sinks.
My oldest son is visiting from NYC this week and he's taking windsurfing
lessons out at Sanibel Island this afternoon.
No wind for him.
Looks like a late spring on Long Island Sound?
Please try to warm it up by mid-June which is when we hope to
arrive. :-)
Byte me. :)
Just out of curiosity, where do you live during the summer? I work
the north side of LIS from Saybrook up to Westerly in the summer -
maybe we can hook up for a day of fishing around those environs.