Testifying for Senate Bill 5145, boater education
I was invited to run down to Olympia this evening to testify about
WA State Senate Bill 5145, mandatory boater education.
Fun experience.
Got a kick out of the way one legislator in particular used the minor
committee hearing forum to be a genuine drama queen. He's from the SW
corner of the state.......(Wash boaters will know how that *could*
effect his poliltics)....and his name is Orcutt.
He asked the law enforcement officer who testified immediately before I
did whether a requirement that boaters carry education cards would just
be another excuse for the police to interfere with private taxpayers
enjoying a day on the water.
When the officer replied, "No, it would merely be one of the items we
would check for if citing another violation or doing a safety
inspection..", the legislator made some smart remark about seat belt
laws, threw down his pencil, pushed his microphone away from his face
and folded his arms in obvious disgust. Ok, give him an Oscar.
The WA State Senate has amended the House version of the bill to exempt
anybody operating a boat of 15HP or less, rather than the 10HP the
House recommended. Otherwise, no significant changes.
If the bill clears this senate commitee it will go to the full Senate
for a vote, and then to a conference committee to work out the few
small differences between the Senate version and the House before going
on to Governor Gregoire for a signature.
If this passes, Washington will join the majority of states in
requiring some degree of education before legally operating a boat.