Hi Guys,
Thanks again to those on topic. Others here, this thread which of
course I do not own, I started to discuss an important issue to all
boaters, buyers, sellers and owners: Prices of Used Boats.
Clearly there is no (or little) monitoring of these discussions, as
the topic now looks like "Who is the biggest A$$Hole and why". Please
start a separate thread to trash one another. Some of us are not
trying to measure our egos against typed text on the internet. These
groups are a very useful tool to raise issues and find solutions to
what looks like complex problems.
Possibly none of the folks disrupting this thread are actual people,
acting as individuals, but interest groups trying to kill any useful
source of boat pricing information? Lord knows there is now more
"pollution" in this thread than content. Had it been their intention,
they couldn't have done a better job of sabotage!
Others here beware. Likely the only ones with vested interest in our
not sharing information regarding boat pricing are people in the
industry who may wish to protect milk-cow profits. Be they from
overpriced manufacturers, price gouging dealers, corrupt brokers or
even industry hirelings, the idea is "keep 'em stupid and disinformed
- then grab all you can".
So the rule for these newsgroups goes:
- Buyer Beware
- Seller Beware
Somebody is out to get you - and your hard earned cash - in every
which way they can. Keeping us dumbed down is one technique among
others. It is apparently being used right here in this thread, with
trashing and flaming coming seemingly out of nowhere, possibly even
from non existing fictional characters. Otherwise, why spend their
time and energy belching fire here?
All my best wishes to all well-intended buyers, sellers and boaters
alike. Looks like there's a bunch of nasties trying to cut in on our
fun, and make us regret launching out to sea.