A failed used car salesman who then graduated to being a failed boat
broker presumes to give me stick????:-) I don't think so.
All I need do is review to simply correct his spam pieces &
it's clear
to all what the other one is "on" a stick.
Gee, K, it's hard to know just exactly who you'd be referring to with
those acid comments, but I can make an educated guess. If it's the
party I'm thinking of, you would be astonished if you knew the details
of his annual income and net worth. The party I'm thinking of was in a
position to retire in his late 40's, but enjoys work more than he would
a full-time hobby. If it's the party I'm thinking of, many people would
disagree with your definition of "failure". Next time you launch one of
your acid bombs, perhaps you will elaborate upon your definition.
And if it's the party I'm thinking of, your "corrections" are most
frequently the presentation of alternate opinions. There are pro's and
con's to most subjects. People who know something about a subject are
not afraid to discuss alternate opinions rationally. People who know
little or nothing about a subject go to a thermodynamcs textbook, chat
with some bloke in the shop, or
misunderstand something overheard at the waterfront bar and speed to
the keyboard with the new idea. They cling like kitchen wrap to the one
little nugget they think they've got nailed, and snarl at the first
sign of challenge as they are unable to expand upon, validate, or
substantiate thier statements. A common tactic employed by people who
know little or nothing but hope to appear as an expert is to post
something totally wrong, (like "Nobody builds a boat with a cored hull
anymore") and then begin a nonstop tirade of insults, accusations, wild
assertions, etc. People who know little or nothing about a subject view
those with alternate opinions as "enemies" who might expose the
obnoxious would-be potentate for marching naked in the parade.
Almost everybody else participating in the NG can disagree on issues,
even technical issues, without defining the people on the other side of
the issue as "liars, spammers, failures, and turds." Those themes seem
to dominate all of your posts. Could it be that you are so immersed in
a reality dominated by lying, failing, spamming, and turds that you
interpret the rest of the world only through that filthy little filter?
If so, that's really pretty sad.