thunder wrote:
On Wed, 07 Jan 2004 06:26:48 +0000, WaIIy wrote:
CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll
Funny, but the Bush campaign doesn't seem as cocky about the election as
you do Wally.
I'd also point out, Bush I had poll numbers very similar to these after
the Gulf War. I seem to recall that he was defeated by a Governor from
one of our smaller states. I would suggest gloating about a potential
win may be somewhat premature.
I'm not quite sure why the original poster here thinks the poll would
have any impact on me. Hardly anyone in the country has any real idea
about Howard Dean or any of the rest of potential Democratric nominees
at this point. Hell, I know next to nothing about Dean myself, and I'm a
party activist.
At this point, it doesn't matter to me which of the frontrunners gets
the Democratic nod. All of them are smarter than Bush and would make a
better President of the United States.
Bush can be beaten.
What it will take is for the Democratic party to unite and pound Bush
every single day on every single issue, and separately float out
pragmatic Democratic alternatives to the Bush policies of pay-offs to
the rich and right.
There is no end to the list of areas in which Bush has failed, and
failed miserably.
We have an opportunity to send Dumbfoch Bush back to Texas next January
for his retirement. It's up to us to make sure that happens.
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