OT : Another poll to break Harry's (if he has one) heart
On 08 Jan 2004 02:17:22 GMT, (Gould 0738) wrote:
Of course there has been no "left" wing smearing of President Bush in this
newsgroup. None, absolutely none, nada. Yeah right.
You are correct, of course.
However, the comparison is not as transparent as you imply.
Nothing ever is. But that never stops those with an agenda.
Bush's record of actions since taking office and the results are observable.
"Bush has done this, has done that, and the results have been, etc."
But the results of those efforts are somewhat subjective, depending on
your viewpoint and political polarity. Is the war on terror a good
thing or bad thing? How you feel about war, the military, and
international politics will influence your opinion in this area.
It's routine for the incumbent to campaign against a challenger with far more
outrageous claims and accusations, since none can be proven or disproven. "If
Dean gets into office, he'll pressure Congress to
legalize gay marriage in all 50 states! If Dean gets into office, we'll have
abortion on demand for twelve-year-olds without parental notice or consent! If
Dean gets into office he'll tax Grandma right out of her mobile home!......etc"
Much of the fuel for that fire was supplied by the candidates
themselves. Dean has publicly stated that he intends to roll back all
of our tax cuts. Grandma is part of that group.
Onward and upward. Should be an interesting election year that is for sure.
This election year will open wounds in America that will never heal.
What's so much different this time? Is it just that the ideals of
liberals and conservatives have become so polarized? Is it that
liberals have finally amassed a loud enough voice to make enough waves
to be felt?
There is
too much money to be made stirring up hatred and distrust between people who
*should* be able to disagree in a civil manner.
You still seem to have a problem differentiating a difference in
political ideology with "hate". I have seen nothing that could be
construed as "hate". Just because conservatives do not hold the same
value sets as liberals does not mean that they "hate" anyone. That you
would categorize as such speaks volumes about your bias.
Buy options on anger, slander,
character assassination and bald faced lies. Stock in all will be skyrocketing
It works both ways. The people on your side of the fence are hardly
angels in this respect.