OT : Another poll to break Harry's (if he has one) heart
On 08 Jan 2004 16:23:15 GMT, (Gould 0738) wrote:
You still seem to have a problem differentiating a difference in
political ideology with "hate".
No, I don't.
When your political icons are making statements accusing "all liberals, all
Democrats, all this, all that........" of being
anti-American, (and worse), that has nothing to do with issues. It's a tool to
polarize society.
Not when those statements are followed up with examples to back them
Listen to your spokespeople. They don't defend issues or policies at
all.....they simply bad mouth anybody that might oppose a right wing agenda.
You mean in the same way that you demonize conservative radio by
calling it "hate"?
Listen to the
Wally Lunchbuckets who have been bainwashed by these spokespeople. Any
discussion breaks down to personal insult and name calling almost immediately.
And that's what really bothers you guys on the left. The conservative
message is easier to understand, and breaks down easily into bite
sized bits that even the non-scholarly among us can understand (At
least partially). In order to adopt, much less understand the liberal
mindset you have to be willing to accept some idealistic utopian
principles which are foreign to the natural order of most people.
Do you want to pay more in taxes or less? For most people the answer
is easy. Do you want a greater role in determining your life? Do you
feel that individuals should bear more responsibility for their
actions? Do you feel that government and not the individual should
make the important decisions in your life? Do you believe that you
should have the right to amass wealth through your own efforts, and be
allowed to keep it? Do you believe that those who do so are "bad"
people? Do you believe that people who are successful bare some
responsibility to prop up those who aren't?
You can either allow human nature to respond naturally, with a little
guidance, or you can attempt to create a bureaucratic network of rules
and try to force people into unnatural positions. Which do you think
will ultimately win?
Free market capitalism is natural. Socialism is not. Liberalism is
ultimately bound to fail. There will always be classes in society, no
matter now hard the left tries to artificially remove them.
Why is that?
It is because when you are emotionally convinced of something you cannot
intellectually defend (due to either a lack of
native intelligence of no actual, personal, examination of the idea prior to
adopting the slick-sounding slogan) there is no recourse when challenged
*except* to retreat to, "Im right, and that makes you wrong. And if you're
wrong, you must be evil." Grade school level discussion, at best.
Liberals tend to be the ones who become emotionally attached to a
cause or position. Conservatives just want things to be simple, and
Buy options on anger, slander,
character assassination and bald faced lies. Stock in all will be
It works both ways. The people on your side of the fence are hardly
angels in this respect.
You're a moving target this morning, Dave.
First, you state that there's no evidence that the right wing often behaves in
a hateful manner.
Correct. I don't consider the conservative radio message to be
"hateful" any more than the utterances from guys like James Carville
when he attacks his opposition.
Then, you reference a list of hateful acts and emotions and
rejoin with "people on your side of the fence are no better"
Both are equally guilty in using certain tactics to promote their
respective agendas. We just disagree on what to call it.
Did you change your mind between the first paragraphs and the last? :-)
No, there was nothing wrong with the one I have......:-p