OT : Another poll to break Harry's (if he has one) heart
"Dave Hall" wrote in message
Free market capitalism is natural. Socialism is not. Liberalism is
ultimately bound to fail. There will always be classes in society, no
matter now hard the left tries to artificially remove them.
1) You have a short memory. We've discussed this. You are not permitted to
use the word "socialism" unless you understand it. You do not understand it.
If you disagree with me, please explain socialism and how it applies to this
2) There's nothing wrong with classes within society, as long as people are
free to choose their place. If I'm happy laying bricks, and my lack of
stress leads my doctor to say I'm the healthiest man he's ever seen, that's
my choice. If, on the other hand, I can accept chaos and stress and choose
to be an emergency room doctor, that also my choice.
You are not aware of anyone suggesting that the salary of the ER doctor
should be lowered to the level of what the bricklayer is paid.