OT : Another poll to break Harry's (if he has one) heart
When your political icons are making statements accusing "all liberals, all
Democrats, all this, all that........" of being
anti-American, (and worse), that has nothing to do with issues. It's a tool
polarize society.
Not when those statements are followed up with examples to back them
You make my case. What example could possibly be given of any behavior engaged
in by *all* of any group?
Listen to your spokespeople. They don't defend issues or policies at
all.....they simply bad mouth anybody that might oppose a right wing agenda.
You mean in the same way that you demonize conservative radio by
calling it "hate"?
Back to my desktop dictionary.
Hate: To feel very strong dislike for.
Which conservative radio programs do you listen to that do not express "very
strong dislike" for liberals?
And that's what really bothers you guys on the left. The conservative
message is easier to understand, and breaks down easily into bite
sized bits that even the non-scholarly among us can understand
It's the same group of techniques that over the years have rallied the gullible
against "******s" "kikes" "spics" and what not.
The new buzzword is "lib". The rhetoric remains unchanged. The "non-scholarly"
are just as misled, just as angry, and just as manipulated.
In order to adopt, much less understand the liberal
mindset you have to be willing to accept some idealistic utopian
principles which are foreign to the natural order of most people.
Again, you make my case. Thanks for the assistance.