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Doug Kanter
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Default OT : Another poll to break Harry's (if he has one) heart

"Dave Hall" wrote in message
On Thu, 08 Jan 2004 17:46:20 GMT, "Doug Kanter"

"Dave Hall" wrote in message
.. .

Dean gets into office he'll tax Grandma right out of her mobile


Much of the fuel for that fire was supplied by the candidates
themselves. Dean has publicly stated that he intends to roll back all
of our tax cuts. Grandma is part of that group.

Your daughter's all grown up and has her own place to live. You stop by

annoy her just as she's taking the mail out of the mailbox. You notice

got 19 credit card bills in the mail. Being the concerned daddy, you say
"Hey...that's not gonna look so good on your credit report, having that

credit accounts...even if they're all current". She says "Hey - I was
$8,000.00 in debt last year and now I've got it up to $17,300.00. I

for more cards yesterday, and I'm thinking of finding a job that pays me

"applied for more cards" : Sold more Treasury bonds
"job that pays me less: : Lowered taxes (income)

What do you say to her?

Get a better job.


I've given you a perfect analogy for what your president is doing: Raising
debt, and lowering income. I've told you your daughter has a plan that's
identical, and that she believes it's sound. Respond to that, assuming she
intends to go ahead with her plan regardless of what you say. Also, factor
in something you don't know yet: You *will* care about her and gently nag
her until the day you die. It's human nature.