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Gould 0738
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Default OT : Another poll to break Harry's (if he has one) heart

I don't deal in absolutes.

You were defending those who do, "as long as they have evidence to back them

I listen to Hannity fairly regularly, as he's on during my afternoon
drive time. He strongly refutes liberal policies, but he have never
made a statement of a personal nature that could be construed as

Horse puckey. I have listened to him. I'll keep track of some of his next few
*zingers* and ask for your opinion soon.

I wrote:

It's the same group of techniques that over the years have rallied the

against "******s" "kikes" "spics" and what not.

Dave wrote:

There you go again, attempting to demonize the messengers and the
message by comparing similar techniques that were used to promote
ideals in the past which are now generally regarded as "bad".

Good grief. What prompted that moment of frank honesty? At least you do admit
the techniques are indeed (at least) "similar".

Where there is smoke there is fire. Even if the Non_scholarly" do not
completely understand the nuances of many liberal ideas, they do
understand the final outcome. Anything which takes away from their
choices, and their financial sovereignty is a bad thing.

Lot of choice these days in the average police state?

Lot of financial sovereignty when the government has a $25,000 mortgage on the
future earnings of every American, (*plus* future taxation for upcoming