Marine SSB Simplex / Duplex ??
I suppose if I ever get my Ham license I will have a better understanding of
these things. So please bare with me and my dumb questions.
That said, I'm looking through the freq. listings for my HF SSB and note
that in each group of channels the majority will be Duplex and at the very
end of the listing there are about ~5 or so that are Simplex.
My rig is an ICOM 706 Mark II G (ham) which I want to also use on Marine SSB
(in an emergency).
I need to program in some marine channels and am limit to about 100 memory
locations. Programming in the split, duplex is just a bit more complicated.
I was wondering if there is a good reason to stick with duplex or simplex???
Also, as I tune through the bands, I seldom hear any traffic on the marine
channels (assigned freq). Mostly it is just the USCG regional weather, etc.
If I find anything in the way of ship traffic, it is foreign.
I have had the SSB installed for about 8 months now and don't have the
faintest idea of where and how to do a radio check.. (about ready to
schedule something with "Bruce In Alaska".)
Just how do I gain proficiency on marine SSB while observing proper
Also, which channels would be the most likely choices to program in. The
USCGs would be logical, but where is most of the marine traffic and general
marine communications?? I am most interested in medium range (since I my rig
is only 100 watts) and I'm going to be interested in boats and marine
conditions in the Pac. NW and SE Alaska.
Thanks, any constructive suggestion welcome.
s/v Good Intentions
OM 706 ICOM 706 ICOM 706 ICOM 706 ICOM 706