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Cyli wrote:
On 4 Apr 2005 23:09:30 -0700, "Tinkerntom" wrote:

r.bc: vixen. Minnow goddess. Speaker to squirrels.
Often taunted by trout. Almost entirely harmless.
email: lid (strip the .invalid to email)

Cyli, Your the kind of gal I would like to see on the survivor

any chance you would volunteer? TnT

I'd be voted off more quickly than I heard the first guy on the first
show was. The guy that was the only one that knew how to start a

What little I've seen of it is full of people who want to be movie or
TV actors. Young pretty people in good shape. I don't fit any of
those qualifications. Oh, yeah, and I can be a tad abrasive if I'm
sure I'm right and no one agrees with me. And it's likely no one
would. Most of them (again from the very little I've seen) have
brains the size of walnuts and have common sense factors in the minus

I did see one of their contests all the way through once (my husband
went downstairs to use the computer, so the channels didn't change).
One where the people were shooting at pumpkins or something like

Duh. This is not survivalism at basic. You walk over, grab the
pumpkin, cut it open and take it away to cook it. You don't, if in
real need, make a bow and arrow first thing, you make pit traps or
deadfalls or nets. Then you make bows and arrows. Or atalals (sp?
Spear throwers, whatever they're called).

Anyway, I think you can see now why I'd not enter one, even if I were
in good shape. After three days with what I've seen of those people
I'd possibly use any bow and arrows they gave me to shoot the guide,
the other contestants, or, better yet, the producer, if I didn't
shortcut it all and use the arrow to slit my wrists (remember, it's
down, not across).

But thank you for the compliment.

r.bc: vixen. Minnow goddess. Speaker to squirrels.
Often taunted by trout. Almost entirely harmless.
email: lid (strip the .invalid to email)

Like I said, you more than qualify for a real survival show. There have
been some of the more mature women on the show, but I agree that most
of it seems to have little to do with real survival, and more to do
with social climbing in a semi-primitive setting.

I always figured the tribe that wants to survive should raid the other
tribe, maybe bash a few knee caps to weaken the competition, and
generally cause havoc. Maybe go after the producers camp. Now we can
have a real program, with Jeff living on the beach. TnT