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Cyli wrote:
On 5 Apr 2005 06:11:26 -0700, "Tinkerntom" wrote:

Like I said, you more than qualify for a real survival show. There

been some of the more mature women on the show, but I agree that

of it seems to have little to do with real survival, and more to do
with social climbing in a semi-primitive setting.

I always figured the tribe that wants to survive should raid the

tribe, maybe bash a few knee caps to weaken the competition, and
generally cause havoc. Maybe go after the producers camp. Now we can
have a real program, with Jeff living on the beach. TnT

Format has changed or I watched too little of it. I didn't know

were two tribes competing. Geeze. Too much silliness for Cyli.

With real tribes you don't raid until there's a need. Usually a need
to get rid of some of the too many young over-testosteroned men who
are pretty useless if you've already got enough hunters. True
primitives tended to wander apart from one another most of the time.
As tribes got larger there was warfare and trade, but these start out
with 20 people or less for the 'reality' show, don't they? Insane.

r.bc: vixen. Minnow goddess. Speaker to squirrels.
Often taunted by trout. Almost entirely harmless.
email: lid (strip the .invalid to email)

Usually they start out with two tribes, but one recent series, I think
they had three. I watched the first series with anticipation, but once
you get the dynamics of the very small society figured out, subsequent
series have been boring. The producers in order to capture our
subsequent attention, have to keep coming up with some angle, none of
which has anything to do with survival.

I read about a couple who purposely stranded themselves on a South
Pacific island to see if they could survive in paradise. They just
about died, and would have except for some locals from an adjacent
island. The Locals wanted to know why anyone would want to live on this
particular island that was infested with a particular sand flea, that
made you very ill. Plus there was no local sourse of water. They were
surprised that anyone could be so dumb.

Reminds me of some of these series that have turned out to be pretty
dumb, especially when you get sleep and food deprived bimbos and
bimbobs, trying to make a decision about who to vote off, when they can
hardly stay in the game themselves.

In one series they made their camp right down on the beach which worked
until high tide. In another, they camped in a riverbed, that ended with
a flashflood. Another they caught their camp on fire. Obviously things
you would want to avoid, but you would think that there would be some
good boy scouts and girl scouts somewhere to be in the games. How CBS
chooses such loosers is amazing, unless they are going for the "OH no,
Groan Factor"! TnT