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Me wrote:

When you threatened Fritz and NYOB to a fight, and to "break their

necks", it highlights the reason why one should remain anonymous.

There are
crazy people out there you do not want to meet in real life. If you

had the
physical strength to use your fist to beat up Fritz and NYOB, what

makes you
think they would not use an "equalizer". No sane person would want

to meet
someone who they have an online disagreement. No sane person would

use this
NG as a vehicle to puff up their egos by creating degrees from

colleges they
did not attend, wives with professions and degrees they do not

posses, or
imaginary boats that only an imaginary friend has ever seen .

This NG, nor any NG, should be taken seriously. Some people seem to

this is only bits and bytes of idle chit chat. One should not take

comments anyone makes in here to heart. If your feelings get hurt,

it is
your fault. You can not control what someone else says, but you can

how you react to those comments.

Most of us got over the chest swelling and chest pounding after high

You haven't.

Oh, absolutely not true! The only difference between me, you and some
others here, is the fact that I'm not afraid to back myself up. You,
Fritz, and NOYB on the other hand, are so petty and childish, that
instead you do things like say nasty things about someone's dead
mother. In doing so, you certainly shouldn't try and put yourself on a
pedestal above ME. Speaking of "imaginary", then why in the hell would
YOU want to post here claiming to be someone else in the newsgroup?
Again, pulling petty crap like that certainly negates your above intent
to think of yourself as better than those you've chosen to be enemies