You are a good person, and I would hope that no one would ever wish or do
any harm to you or your family. I would hope that no one would be harmed
due to any disagreements on issues or philosophies.
The truth of the matter, is you have taken some firm stands on issues that
some people disagree. The truth of the matter, is there are people in that have made serious threats to individuals they have had online
flame wars. You do not need to give me or anyone your address or telephone
number, because if one really wanted it, it would be very easy to find.
100% of all experts in Internet Safety and how to protect yourself from ID
Theft would tell you to never give your personal information in NG's or Chat
Rooms. They would also tell you to be very selective in whom you give any
personal information online. They would tell you to keep a separate email
addresses for online registrations etc.
I am glad you have never had any reason to believe you should not hide your
internet identity, but that does not make it prudent and/or safe online
wrote in message
Can I have your phone number so we can discuss solutions to these
hiding behind a veil of anonymity?
You know my name. Look up my number.
Or send me a real email address and I'll send you my phone numbers by
I, for one, do not hid behind an anonymous handle.