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mike olson wrote:

I recently bought a pontoon with a 1996 25hp mercury.
Motor starts but no water came out hole.
I shut off immediately. Replaced water pump impeller. Still starts fine
but no water out of hole, only some blue smoke. There appears to be some
bubbling coming up from prop area while motor is running.
I blew thru lines prior to replacing impeller. Motor has spent a fair
amount of time with lower unit in water. There was some scum on leg. This
motor has been fresh water use only.

Any ideas????

Clear the tell-tale line & fittings w/ fine wire, maybe an aerosol
cleaner. It's not unusual for it to get blocked by sand, or other small

The tell-tale is not an absolute indicator of cooling performance. Hook
up a flush-muff and check for proper operation that way.
