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Richard Ferguson wrote:
I know one guy who owns a smaller one, and he reports two issues: 1.

Compared to Royalex, the Packboats are not as slippery, so sometime
stick on rocks as opposed to sliding over therm. 2. He says that
assembling it is very time consuming, although he did not report a
specific assembly time. I think he might be talking over half an

assembly time, so he tends to leave it assembled, even if he is

1000 miles. I think that he likes the boat overall. He bought it

Canadian fly-in trips in mind.

I have never paddled a Pacboat, but I would like to have one. I

have the money at this instant, however, nor do I have a fly-in trip
scheduled, where it would make especially good sense. A folding boat

can really simplify trip logistics, easy to take on public

or small planes.

I own 3 Pakboats and assembly is about 20 minutes for the canoe (16').
They don't paddle like a hardshell boat though--it's more like a canoe-
shaped raft. Not that that's a bad thing. I prefer it in whitewater.
You get
a much drier ride and it's much safer in rough open water.

I prefer them to hardshells, not to mention the float plane transport