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P. Fritz
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"Me Again" wrote in message

"P. Fritz" wrote in message

Are you assuming that harry's wallet story has more truth to it than

lobsta boat?


I would hope that most people would contact the owner of a lost wallet.
There is a big difference between taking money from an individual and

money from drug kingpins.

67% in the states........64% in Canada......looks like we are a little
more honest than those to the north :-)
"OUT OF 120 wallets dropped in Canada, 77 were returned intact -- 64
percent. In a similar Digest survey of 12 U.S. towns and cities, the figure
was 67 percent. In Europe it was 58 percent; in Asia, 57 percent"

while Harry does like to make up stories to boost his weak ego, I didn't
find his story about finding the owner of a lost wallet to be


I find little of anything he says believable........remember his little
story about the burglary and his fathers store?

Now if he told us he found a $100 bill in the road and had his friend

the FBI to check for fingerprints and DNA evidence so he could return it

the owner, I would find that hard to swallow. Now if Harry told that

she would have been a single mother with 3 children, who had just come

the US after escaping from Vietnam on a home built boat. Of course, she

a child in the hospital with cancer, and needed the money to by milk for

1 yr old with a cleft palate. Of course, Harry would have then paid for

children's medical treatment and opened a trust fund for all the kids
college education.