Welcome back. To give you a short form recap; NetKop took place. Neal
vs Gantz; Katy vs LP (Hellvua a Cat Figtht) Neal & LP are shack-up. Neal
got bounced. LP called in outside help to get Katie and Gantz ( Those
are the new names) I objected to their ways against the group. The hired
guns looked down their noses at me and my Webtv. It seems the FLonkers
lost sight of their original goal and have concentrated on me.
I've offended MC and he is ****ed
Neal has got himself Pussy Whipped by LP and our friendship is FU
Very, very active for a make believe group but not dull.
That's the short form, Much more active than Nutsys BS. Check it out
for awhile. looks like still plenty of fun to come. Enjoy!
Ole Thom;---- maybe not as old as some thought