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Scary isn't it. I'm trying to get more info. I'll post it as soon as I find
out more.

What happened was I finally got some sense and kill-filed Neal and a couple
of others. Neal simply cannot handle being ignored, and joined up with an
ISP that caters to flonkers and the like. These are basically the same
people who invaded here a year or so ago. The best way to be rid of them is
to ignore them. Neal is simply one of their crowd now. Oh well... nothing
much has changed with him .. he's still lying, etc.

Other than that, not much is doing.

Welcome back!

"j" ganz @@

"gonefishing" wrote in message
After a long absence (work related) I return to discover chaos on the
Far more than before.

Now I'll freely admit I was never ever a prominent poster.
Just lurked and posted occasionally.

But this!
This is insane.
Caption Neal: you're done.
my advice would be to take your cedar bucket and move into the hills of
south georgia.
Lady pilot: are you really a lady?
OLE Thom: can you really afford to waste this much energy on bull****?

katysails has shown who she is by her silence.
thank god for reason.

Maxprop: you are resigning? And to think I voted for you as president.
****! get back here boy. if not i my just head up the ocast and find
nova scotia.

Pure bull****
Egotistical bull****.

I used to enjoy the days reading simple benign bashing and such.
These days the group is absent of any cohesion at all.
And ganz appears as the sane poster!?

ok great. it got shaken up.
now come on.
come on guys.
get it together

Jon boy. I will say the only thing worth an effort in all the BS
postings RECENTLY were the photos of the turtled boat in SF bay.
Great photos. (stupid smucks!)
did you ever find out what happened?

What the hell happened to this place?

If anything: sailors present to the world an aspect of order and

(Laughing only because I have to get the arrest warrant lifted off my
name tomorrow morning (missed a court date for a traffic arrest warrant......can you believe this
bull**** of America)

BTW: who are all the idiots suddenly in the NG?
apparently i missed something explosive.

anyone voting in the iragi elections?
what are the gun regs like?

any advice on bottom paint.
moving my boat so it is parked down the street from my office on the
hudson river.
