Make sure you get a letter by the US state department. Because although the
cubans wont stamp it saying Cuba, its still a recognizable and known little
sketch. Then you may run into trouble whenever you fly after that.
Btw, to avoid the hurricanes, make sure that you check weather reports till
the night you leave, theyll form a good ways out and will take some time to
reach any land.
"Brian Whatcott" wrote in message
It's called "the chilling effect" of government disapproval....
Brian Whatcott Altus, OK
On 9 Apr 2005 18:43:22 -0700, wrote:
About a month ago, I learned about a scientific conference in Cuba and
I was invited to go. At that time, the organizers thought that they
had blanket permission for people to go (ya know, science an all that
crap...). Now, we find it is a little more complicated requiring
specific US State Dept OK so I sorta dropped the idea of sailing to
Havana. Suddenly, I get specifically invited by some really legit
science types and have been given permission to go (I have not yet
mentioned sailing there). Now, I feel like maybe I ought to have moral
qualms about it.
At any rate, the meeting is the week of Sept 25 which is serious
hurricane season. My boat is already in S. Florida so other than the
heat and hurricanes it may be an ideal opportunity. Why do I feel so
hesitant about this like maybe there is some major risk I cannot think
of? I feel like there is some gotcha just out of my range of vision
that I should see.
Any thoughts?
BTW, we are allowed to spend only $158/day while there and cannot stay
beyond the conference end.