Harry Krause wrote:
K. Smith wrote:
The Thing wrote:
And this has to do with rec.boats? Oh, sorry, wrecked.boats asshole.
Awww, Harry, my favorite asshole saying bad things about me. This is
rec.boats so please stay on topic.
And from the redoubtable Ms. Smith:
Yeah!!! love it!! Good luck Mr, Miss or Mrs Remailer, they've
withstood all assaults yours seems to be the last resort.
"Please sir may I have some more???" & include those that dish us
up spam???
I wish you & your boat well:-) (see on topic & I've made sure the
idiot's lie of the day is also:-))
Here we have Ms. Smith, encouraging the "phantom remailer" to increase
his or her obnoxious behavior, thus offering up proof that Ms. Smith is
among those who really and truly wants to see what's left of this little
newsgroup destroyed.
You sick lying grub:-) Poor little union thug Krause is concerned about
"this little newsgroup" you are the problem always have been.
Again that even a dumbo like you might understand; you are the major
problem here indeed over the years you've lied & bullied most of the
good posters away.
No matter what the remailer does I doubt you'll stop but good on
whoever for trying, if it bothers uneducated liar OT you & your
uneducated deceptive OT spammer mate (see a pattern??) then that's just
a bonus:-)
This lying idiot has manufactured a story about his father being
the biggest OMC dealer on the US NE coast, needless to say Krause then
says that's where he learned all he obviously doesn't know about boats:-)
Here's just one of the lies from the "father" series, try to
remember he's talking $3000000 in the 70s!! Honestly it's embarrassing
that a grown man would lie like this I guess that's the standard of
union thugs ???
I sold off nearly $3,000,000 in new motors and boats, depressing
the new boat
industry in southern Connecticut for an entire season. Everything
was sold...every cotter pin, every quart of oil, 30 days after I started.
For near full-retail, too.