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John H
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On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 08:17:39 -0400, "Eisboch" wrote:

"Harry Krause" wrote in message

I believe this weekend is the beginning of "Trophy Season" on the Bay.
This is when you can keep a rockfish (striper) 28" or longer. As a
result, every yahoo and his boddy will be out in a boat this weekend,
looking to bag one. It's a great time to stay off the water and save
gasoline. I never go out during the beginning of Trophy Season.

What's really silly is the drive to catch stripers much larger than that
for the table. Any good seafood chef knows the really big stripers don't
taste as good as the smaller ones.

I kinda lost interest in fishing a couple of years ago, but I seem to recall
that, in Cape Cod Bay at least, you were not legally allowed to keep a
striper (striped bass) that was less than 28 inches - in fact one year I
think the minimum was 32 inches. Are striped bass the same as a rockfish?


We have what's called a 'trophy' season for one month beginning 16 April (in the
Maryland waters of the Chesapeake Bay). During that month only stripers
(rockfish, striped bass) of 28" or more can be kept - one per person. In
mid-May, the regular season starts in which each person can keep two rockfish.
Both must be 18" or greater, and only one can be over 28".

This leads some assholes to 'cull' their catch. They'll catch a 20"er and a
25"er, and keep fishing. Maybe they'll catch a 35"er. Then they'll throw the
20"er back in the water, dead of course. Folks like this strive hard to deserve
the term 'asshole'.
John H

"All decisions are the result of binary thinking."