You pretty much get the point that WD 40 isn't sufficient for the wheel
bearings... Here's a little advice from experiences from the past
weekend... Don't use cheap grease, get the best grease that you can
possibly get your hands on! Don't mix synthetic grease with non-synthetic!
If you have bearing buddies, don't count on them getting grease to the
inside bearings, take the hub apart every fall, after you take the boat out
for the winter and re-pack the bearings. This will ensure that he bearings
are dry and well greased while sitting over the winter.
As for jacking the trailer... attach it to the car. If you jack from the
axle, get as close to the wheel as possible, don't jack on the middle of the
axle. I would prefer that you don't jack from in front of the wheel. You
don't need to go too far forward of the wheel to get in front of the centre
of gravity, and then a ton of weight will be exerted on the tongue of the
trailer when the wheels come off the ground.
I had one of my hubs overheat this past weekend. I didn't bother to pack
the back bearing after pulling the boat out last fall. They were brand new,
only 400 miles on them, and I packed them when I put them in, so I didn't
bother. I also think that the seals were defective. The bearings
overheated, cooked off all of the grease and cracked the hubs from the heat.
I'm surprised that the whole works didn't catch fire. Too be honest, I've
never seen anything like it. I am very luck that the wheel didn't fly off!
The net result was that my axle was ruined in addition to the hub. Luckily,
axle assemblies aren't that expensive. $225.00 including tax, got the axle
assembly, including two new hubs and the U-bolts to attach it to the
trailer. Incidentally, the original axle on my trailer was square, and I
was unable to get a square replacement axle. They are all round now, which
is why I needed replacement U-Bolts. I think that I would have changed them
anyway, they aren't expensive!!
Too make a long story short, it's an ugly situation to have your trailer
crap out along the highway because your bearings failed. Think about
jacking it up with cars zipping past you. Take care of your bearings!!!
Paul Fowler
(905) 478-2862

"n0sPaM" wrote in message
I have a 3-ton jack (for me to change my winter tires on my car), and now
am trying to change a flatten tire on my 16' trailer of my boat, but I am
little bit confused..I can't find lifting point, where should I put the
jack? any idea?
Also, do I need to grease the wheel bearing on the trailer wheel? Can I
WD-40, just spray?
Boating Newbie